
Information on Doctoral Degrees Completion

Statistics – Based on Doctoral degrees conferred by postsecondary institutions, by race/ethnicity and field of study: 2015-16. This Includes Ph.D., Ed.D., and comparable degrees at the doctoral level. Includes most degrees formerly classified as first professional, such as M.D., D.D.S., and law degrees.

Overall 50% of students do not complete their degrees.

Attrition rates: Overall 50% of students do not complete their degrees and never reach that pinnacle of educational attainment! Studies by the Council on Graduate School ( show that attrition (none-completion) rates for doctoral students who register for a program is almost 50%. The main reason students give for not completing is lack of support from the faculty and or administration in their programs.

Minorities earned only 28% of all the doctoral degrees conferred in 2016!

Attainment: As per the National Center for Education Statistics ( of the total 177,867 earned and conferred in 2016, minorities earned only 28%! These minority rates are as follows: Blacks 7%; Hispanics 6%; Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Asians, etc., earned the remaining 15%. Whites earned 60.2%, and the remaining 12% was earned by non-US citizens (green-card holders).

The statistics for Blacks and Hispanics are specifically troubling since these rates of completion do not parallel the US populations for these groups. The US Census approximates the populations as follows: Whites (non-Hispanic) 60.7%; Blacks 13.4%; Hispanics 18.1%, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Asians, etc., 7.8%. This shows that as with most issues, minorities are under-attaining at the doctoral levels.

The HELP Approach Partnership© vision is to increase the graduation rates overall, while reducing the attrition rates, and specifically for minorities. Our mission is to HELP students graduate and achieve the pinnacle of educational attainment. Click here to register for our upcoming retreats.

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